Peter Samuelson

First Position
Postdoctoral associate at the University of TorontoDissertation
Kauffman Bracket Skein Modules and the Quantum TorusAdvisor
Research Area
If M is a 3-manifold, the Kauffman bracket skein module is a vector space Kq(M) functorially associated to M that depends on a parameter q in C*. If F is a surface, then Kq(Fx [0,1]) is an algebra, and Kq(M) is a module over Kq((∂M) x [0,1]). One motivation for the definition is that if L ⊂ S3 is a knot, then the (colored) Jones polynomials Jn(L) (which are Laurent polynomials in q) can be computed from Kq(S3\setminus L).
It was shown by Frohman and Gelca that Kq(T2x [0,1]) is isomorphic to Aq^{Z2}, the subalgebra of the quantum torus XY = q2YX which is invariant under the involution inverting X and Y. Our starting point is the observation that the category of Aq^{Z2}-modules is equivalent to the category of modules over a simpler algebra, the crossed product Aq \rtimes Z2. We write ML for the image of Kq(S3\setminus L) under this equivalence. Theorem 5.2.1 gives a simple formula showing Jn(L) can be computed from ML, and Corollary 5.3.3 shows a recursion relation for Jn(L) can be computed from ML (if ML is f.g. over C[X±1]). In Chapter 6 we give an explicit description of ML when L is the trefoil. Conjecture 4.3.4 conjectures the general structure of ML for torus knots.
The algebra Aq \rtimes Z2 is the t = 1 subfamily of the double affine Hecke algebra Hq,t of type A1. In Chapter 8 we give a new skein-theoretic realization of the spherical subalgebra H+q,t, and we also give a construction associating an H+q,t-module M′L(t) to each knot L. In Chapter 9 we construct algebraic deformations of the skein module ML to a family of modules ML(t) over Hq,t. In the case when L is the trefoil, we use these deformations to give example calculations of 2-variable polynomials Jn(q,t) that specialize to the colored Jones polynomials when t = 1.